Martina Fau

International coaching week 13.-15.5. 2024

mezinárodní týden koučování 13.-15.5. 2024 KOUČOVÁNÍM KE SPOLUPRÁCI 🤝   Pod záštitou International Coaching Federation a ve spolupráci se Scott.Weber Workspace jako každý rok slavíme ve dnech 13.-17.5. 2024 Mezinárodní týden koučování.   A já jsem nadšená, jak bohatý a nabitý program jsme pro vás společně s Ondřej Filip,PCC, Alice Budová a Bohuslav Theimer, PCC …

International coaching week 13.-15.5. 2024 Read More »

The doors of Life Design International School opened on May 22, 22.

The doors of Life Design International School opened on May 22, 2022. Over the past year, dozens of students and clients from fifteen different nationalities have passed through the school in personal and online collaboration. There is a highly intensive interest in courses and education in Personal Design, specifically the ‘Living Your Design’ course, as …

The doors of Life Design International School opened on May 22, 22. Read More »