my milestones

“Either I will find a way or I will make one.” Seneca

Life’s journey doesn’t come into existence in a moment. My professional journey has been shaping itself for nearly 30 years.

Even at the age of 10, I observed a passion for the uniqueness of people. I read and followed hundreds of life stories and was fascinated by the journey and obstacles towards success.

At the age of 20, I went to study and work in the USA and returned with the realization that not only is human potential an endless ocean of opportunities, but also how much impact differences between cultures have on inspiration and respect.

At the age of 30, I had completed both economic and psychological university studies and accumulated years of experience in a corporate career. My path led me to start my own business, assuming roles of a professional PCC ICF coach, mentor, and trainer.


Today, I co-lead the Czech coaching school “Conscious Coaching and Leadership” with Vladimir Kludaj https://vedomy-koucink.cz/cesta-kouce/, and I’m a board member of the GABI Fund https://www.nadacnifondgabi.cz/, which supports individuals with eating disorders.

My clients range from major global brands like Google, T-Mobile, Generali, VSE, and UTB universities to numerous individual and team clients from around the world who are transforming their lives, businesses, cultures, and levels of thinking and communication.

Currently, I strive to contribute to an effective modern education system in the field of human potential development at a global level.


I am creating my own educational methods and programs that I know work and have an impact on human health, uniqueness, and quality of life. With this purpose in mind, the Life Design International School project was born as a means of sharing experiences.


Education for everyone, regardless of age or demographic location.

Professional partnership


I specialize in leadership and people development. Through study and mentoring programs, I have guided hundreds of students and coached thousands of client hours as a certified PCC (Professional Certified Coach) with the ICF (International Coach Federation) in the USA.


I love the synergy and support of cultural differences, so I use the Human Design system for practical analysis of human uniqueness, uncovering full potential, and precise description of individual talents worldwide. I am grateful to be among a few professionals in the Czech Republic and Slovakia who are IHDS (International Human Design School) certified as Living Your Design course instructors and professional system analysts.


I founded the Life Design International School project, where I provide teaching and client services in the field of personal development for youth and adults in Human Design system programs, professional coaching, and top-level training.


I co-create with Vladimir Kludaj at the School of Conscious Coaching and Leadership. In the nonprofit sector, I serve on the board of directors of the GABI Foundation, which was founded by the world biathlon star Gabriela Soukalova, and co-implement the Life with Epilepsy project with Andrea Gawron.


I graduated in English Literature Composition in the USA, California, and studied Psychology and Economics-Management at Masaryk University in Brno. 

I enjoy navigating veteran hundredths 1/100 rally races, coursing competitions with my whippets, and spending time in nature.